Oral Surgery Dentist Wyoming MI


Whether you need a root canal or dental implants, our oral surgery dentists are highly trained to provide you with outstanding service. Before your oral surgery procedure, our team will discuss your medical history. You’ll have to let us know if you’re taking any medications or have any medical conditions that could affect your dental procedure.

Depending on the procedure, our team might use our high-efficiency dental technology to take a 3D scan of your oral cavity. This allows our dentists to see your entire jaw on a digital screen for a more accurate picture of what’s going on inside your mouth.

Next, depending on the extent of your surgery, you’ll either be numbed with local anesthetic or will receive nitrous oxide sedation. Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide will alleviate any dental anxiety you might have and will make you feel comfortable for the duration of the procedure. Whether you opt for local anesthetic or nitrous oxide, you will be able to drive yourself home after the procedure.

Afterward, our dentists will go over aftercare instructions. You will have to avoid eating hard or sticky foods for a while until your surgery site has healed, and you might need to adjust your oral care routine to let the area heal. Our team is happy to answer any questions you might have as we walk you through the dos and don’ts of your recovery process.

The Wyoming, MI oral surgery dentists at Ryan Frederickson DDS will ensure that your oral surgery procedure is safe and comfortable. To make an appointment, give our office a call at (616) 534-5602.